Are you tired of those creepy critters?


Moles are known for their subterranean lifestyle, creating extensive networks of tunnels underground as they search for food, primarily earthworms, insects, and larvae. The most common moles found in New York and New Jersey areas are the Eastern mole, Star-nosed mole, and Hairy- tailed mole. Moles can cause several types of damage, primarily through their tunneling and foraging activities. Types of damage caused by moles are lawn/garden damage, soil aeration/ compaction, and damage to underground ultilities. Signs of mole infestation typically manifest as visible surface tunnels, mole hills, damaged ground, spongy ground, mole activity, and raised surface trails.

Exterminator treatments for moles typically involve a combination of methods aimed at controlling and reducing mole populations in the affected area. This includes:

  • Specialized traps designed to capture moles alive or kill them quickly and humanely. These traps are typically placed in active tunnel systems or near molehills, where moles are likely to travel.

  • Chemical repellents or natural deterrents may be applied to the soil to discourage moles from entering or remaining in the treated area.

  • In severe cases of mole infestation, exterminators may use fumigants to eliminate moles in their tunnels.

  • Exterminators may recommend making modifications to the landscape to make it less hospitable to moles.

  • Installing barriers or fencing underground or along the perimeter of the property can help prevent moles from accessing the area or migrating from neighboring properties.